Regulatory Barriers to the Development of Innovative Agricultural Biotechnology by Small Businesses and Universities

Issue Papers - IP59 - March 2018
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This report examines the current U.S. regulatory system for GE crops, compares it with those of major trading partners, and considers the effects it has on agricultural biotechnology. The authors of this CAST Issue Paper show that despite foundational contributions requiring considerable public resource commitments for GE crop innovation and development, academic institutions and small private entities have been almost entirely excluded from the agricultural biotechnology market. The regulatory system needs to be adjusted, or “public, academic, and small business entities will continue to be frustrated in using these safe tools to deliver useful products.” (key words: biotech innovation, genetic engineering, GM crops, GMO)

Chair: Alan McHughen (Chair), University of California, Riverside. IP59, March 2018, 20 pp. Available free online and in print (fee for shipping/handling).

Publication Impact Report (Final) – March 2020

Task Force Chair

Alan McHughen

Task Force Author(s)

Kent Bradford

Neal Carter

Dennis Eriksson

Elizabeth Grabau

Elizabeth Hood

Wayne Parrott

Jeff D. Wolt

Task Force Reviewers

Tom Elmo Clemente

Drew Kershen

Stuart Smyth

Task Force Board Liaison

Daniel Schachtman

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