Scientific Assessment of the Welfare of Dry Sows Kept in Individual Accommodations

Issue Papers - IP42 - March 2009
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The use of individual gestation accommodations (IGAs) for dry sows in commercial pork production is an issue that has raised much debate. Public perceptions and misconceptions of welfare issues have the potential to dramatically impact swine production. The nine-member international task force of this new issue paper critically evaluates the scientific evidence of IGAs for sows, including considerations for behavior, nutrition and feeding, reproduction, clinical examination and health, manure management, worker safety, and system design. The authors indicate that no compelling evidence exists from scientific evaluations and comparisons of dry-sow keeping systems that, overall, either individual or group accommodation is more appropriate than the other. Chair: Stanley Curtis, Department of Animal Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

IP42, March 2009, 20 pp., Available free online and in print (fee for shipping/handling).

Publication Impact Report – November 2009

Task Force Chair

Stanley Curtis

Task Force Author(s)

Rodney Baker
John Deen
Mark Estienne
Brendan Lynch
John McGlone
Bjarne Pedersen

Task Force Reviewers

Jerome Geiger
Temple Grandin
Donald Levis
Janeen Salak-Johnson

Task Force Board Liaison

Nathaniel Tablante

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