Crop Protection Contributions toward Agricultural Productivity

Issue Papers - IP58 - April 2017
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Crop Protection Contributions toward Agricultural Productivity is a paper in the series on The Need for Agricultural Innovation to Sustainably Feed the World by 2050. Many rely on just a few to provide food and fiber—and crop protection techniques are a major factor in this essential productivity. Innovation and a push for the development of integrated plant protection technologies must continue to provide effective, economical, and efficient pest management. The authors of this CAST Issue Paper examine the current plant protection revolution that is driven by the biological realities of pesticide resistance, various market forces, and real or perceived side effects of pesticides. This science-based review considers many plant protection trends, considers new technologies, and examines current biotech advancements.
(Key Words: seed treatments, IPM, insect management, weed management, plant pathogens, biologicals, PIPs)

Chair: Susan Ratcliffe, University of Illinois, Urbana. IP58, April 2017, 20 pp. Available free online and in print (fee for shipping/handling).

Publication Impact Report (Final) – April 2019

Task Force Chair

Susan Ratcliffe

Task Force Author(s)

Matthew Baur

Hugh Beckie

Loren Giesler

Norman Leppla

Jill Schroeder

Task Force Reviewers

Carl Bradley

Fred Gould

Bob Wright

Task Force Board Liaison

Gary Brewer

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