
Whether you’re a policymaker, a member of the media, or just someone seeking well-researched, trusted, and non-partisan scientific information, CAST offers a wealth of publications on a wide range of agricultural science topics.

These papers have been created by recognized experts in their respective fields, and they are written in a style that makes their content accessible to anyone wishing to understand the issues.

Publications are listed with the most recent releases first. Use the search feature to find specific publications by series, subject, or title.

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Admissible Scientific Evidence in Court
July, 1993

Concurs with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and National Academy of Sciences (NAS) amicus curiae brief to the Supreme Court related to guidelines for determining what scientific evidence is admissible in a court of law.

U.S. Agriculture and the North American Free Trade Agreement
July, 1993

The members of a Council for Agricultural Science and Technology task force believe many of the fears of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) are not well founded. There generally would be a gain to U.S. producers of grain, oilseeds, livestock, and possibly dairy, and losses for producers who compete with Mexican fruits and vegetables.

Water Quality: Agriculture’s Role
December, 1992

This report discusses modern agriculture’s impacts on the environment, especially surface and groundwater. This report increases the understanding of the science, risks, benefits, and realities of agricultural production and water quality protection.

Preparing U.S. Agriculture for Global Climate Change
June, 1992

Covers all aspects of the subject, emphasizing adaptation to changes, emission of greenhouse gases, the impact of climate change.

Pesticides: Minor Uses/Major Issues
June, 1992

This report recommends implementation of an innovative minor use pesticides strategy before 1997, so as to assure the continued availability to U.S. consumers of high quality, reasonably priced minor crops.

Food Safety: The Interpretation of Risk
April, 1992

This report states that the amazing advances in analytical methods have made the Delaney Clause hopelessly obsolete and it should be repealed. The Delaney Clause, which states that no amount of cancer-causing substances can be added to our food, should be replaced with a “de minimis” concept.

Food Fats and Health
December, 1991

This CAST report supports dietary recommendations to decrease food fat consumption from the present national average of 37% to less than 30% of the total caloric intake. The agricultural and food industries are responding by redesigning fresh and processed foods so that consumers can more readily meet these recommendations.

Herbicide-Resistant Crops
May, 1991

This report indicates that biotechnology-induced herbicide resistance in crops will allow use of herbicides that are toxicologically and environmentally less suspect that those herbicides now used in some crops.

Ecological Impacts of Federal Conservation and Cropland Reduction Programs
September, 1990

Addresses the ecological implications of several programs established in the 1985 Food Security Act, including the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), Sodbuster, Swampbuster, Conservation Compliance, and Acreage Reduction Program (ARP).

Alternative Agriculture: Scientists’ Review
July, 1990

Reviews by 44 leading scientists support and criticize the 1989 National Research Council report, Alternative Agriculture. The authors represent the disciplines of agricultural engineering, food science, toxicology, animal sciences, crop and soil sciences, economics sociology, weed science, entomology, and plant pathology.