
Whether you’re a policymaker, a member of the media, or just someone seeking well-researched, trusted, and non-partisan scientific information, CAST offers a wealth of publications on a wide range of agricultural science topics.

These papers have been created by recognized experts in their respective fields, and they are written in a style that makes their content accessible to anyone wishing to understand the issues.

Publications are listed with the most recent releases first. Use the search feature to find specific publications by series, subject, or title.

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Impacto del Principio Precautorio en la Alimentación de las Generaciones Actuales y Futuras
September, 2020

Luego de un análisis basado en investigaciones y un proceso de revisión por pares, los autores de este artículo del CAST lo dejan claro: “El principio precautorio bien podría ser concepto más innovador, penetrante y significativo en la política ambiental del último cuarto de siglo. También puede ser el más temerario, arbitrario y mal aconsejado.” Los autores ejemplifican fallas que presenta el PP al intentar ofrecer un marco confiable y razonado para su aplicación en la gestión de riesgos.

Agriculture and the Microbiome
August, 2020

Modern agriculture is successful today because of advances in mechanization, breeding, nutrients (e.g., fertilization), and pest and disease management, all of which enhance crop productivity and provide greater food security. Expanding the use of crop microbiomes to improve plant production is the next agricultural revolution.

Impacts on Human Health and Safety of Naturally Occurring and Supplemental Hormones in Food Animals
July, 2020

Since the end of the Second World War, the United States has pursued a national policy of an abundant and inexpensive food supply. Increased animal productivity has improved efficiencies of animal production and reduced the carbon footprint for production of meat, milk, and eggs. Some components of the technologies employed by animal producers to improve efficiency of animal production include improved nutrition and reproduction; advances in genetics; and health and management practices; as well as feed additives, hormonal treatments, and growth enhancing technologies (GETs).

Economic Impacts of COVID-19 on Food and Agricultural Markets
June, 2020

This paper examines the many economic factors and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a focus on the agriculture sector.

Stewardship Challenges for New Pest Management Technologies in Agriculture
May, 2020

Technology is a key enabler of more efficient agricultural production as growers attempt to meet the cost-effective need for increased food, fiber, and bioenergy, while managing limited inputs, conserving valuable natural resources, and protecting environmental quality. Each new pest management technology (weed, insect, disease) developed brings a number of benefits and risks—environmental, health, resistance—that must be considered and managed through effective stewardship practices to ensure that benefits are fully realized while risks are minimized.

Producing Food Products from Cultured Animal Tissues
April, 2020

Today, the technology necessary to culture cells for human consumption in the form of cell cultivated meat is developing at a rapid pace. Milestones to bring these products to market for consumer purchase are being achieved quickly, and media attention has dramatically increased. Still, there are many questions that need to be addressed before cell cultivated meat is ready for the dinner table.

Impact of Recruitment and Retention of Food Animal Veterinarians on the U.S. Food Supply
April, 2020

Why is it so difficult to recruit and retain food animal veterinarians in the United States? And how might this impact the future food supply?

Interpreting Pesticide Residues in Food
October, 2019

There is a keen awareness among many consumers that pesticide chemicals frequently reach consumers in the form of food residues. This report concludes that there is no direct scientific or medical evidence indicating that typical exposure of consumers to pesticide residues poses any health risk.

Protecting Food Animal Gene Pools for Future Generations
September, 2019

The world’s population is expected to reach more than 9 billion by 2050, creating a grand societal challenge: ramping up agricultural productivity to feed the globe. Livestock and poultry products are keys to the world supply of protein, but genetic diversity of livestock is fading. This paper addresses several important challenges regarding the effective protection of remaining genetic diversity.

Flujo de Genes en Alfalfa: Biología, Mitigación y Efectos Potenciales en la Producción
September, 2019

Este importante informe de CAST describe la biología y las prácticas agronómicas de la alfalfa […]